Employee Spotlight: Jake Atherton

Jake Atherton.jpg

We want you to get to know our team better, so from time to time we will post in our Employee Spotlight series. This month we’re getting to know Jake Atherton, our Purchasing Manager.

Jake, tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Jake Atherton. I am 26 years old, proud to be born and raised in Maine. I received my bachelors in science and technology management, focused in construction management, from the University of Southern Maine. On the weekends I enjoy working in the woods with my girlfriend, Page. Page runs a new, family owned, non-profit camping and outdoor activity business that focuses on creating an environment to learn and enjoy the great outdoors of Maine. I am looking forward to building my home and starting a family in the near future. 

What is your role at Fortin Construction? 

As purchasing manager, it is my job to keep the crews supplied with tools, materials and new jobs. I coordinate the preconstruction requirements that vary depending on the projects town and site conditions. I start working on a project as soon as the customer signs off on their plans. I work throughout the job until the last doorknob goes on the house. I really enjoy being a part of every phase of construction. 

What does a typical day at work look like for you? 

I typically start my day with paperwork and reviewing plans to order materials for upcoming jobs. Throughout the day I will meet with towns to set up new jobs. I visit job sites to coordinate material deliveries and check on the crews. One aspect I like most about my job is the diversity. In one day I could be meeting with material suppliers to refine our process, and in the same day I could be helping a crew with something in the field. 

What would people never guess you do in your position at Fortin?

The nature of construction creates an unpredictable environment. There are some days that a task or a question needs to be taken care of, and if I can, I will do whatever it takes. 

How long have you worked with Fortin Construction?

2 ½ years. 

Before working here, what was the most interesting job you had?

Before working with Fortin, I was a bartender at a fine dining restaurant in downtown Portland that allowed me to pay my way through USM. Being a bartender was great for the people I met and the opportunity to make enough to graduate debt free. However, for all of the amazing people I met along the way, there were plenty of characters who could turn a night upside down. 

If you ruled the world:

I would want to have a great team on my side. 

What kinds of hobbies do you have outside of work?

I am proud to be from Maine and have always taken advantage of any activity that involves the mountains, rivers, or ocean. I have recently been working in forestry to help build my girlfriend’s new business mentioned earlier. The reward and challenge I get from working in the woods parallels the challenges in my day-to-day work. 

What is your pet peeve?


What is one thing you couldn’t live without?

Goals. Personal, career, and life goals fuel my motivation to be a better person every day.…. And pizza, it would be tough to give up pizza. 

What’s on your Christmas list this year?

A weekend ski trip and spending time with my family and friends.