How to Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer

Arguably one of the best parts of spring is getting to open the windows and welcome the sunshine. But summer is fast approaching, and it won’t be long before you’ll want to be shielding yourself from that hot summer sunshine. While you’re picking out swimsuits and making vacation plans, one thing you may not consider getting ready for the summer is your air conditioning.

get your air conditioner ready for summer

Start from the bottom up

At Fortin Construction, we know the value a solid foundation has for a house. Did you know the same goes for your air conditioning unit? Check the concrete slab for cracks. The slab should be completely level; if it is not level, your air conditioning unit will be working twice as hard to cool your home—and you’ll be paying twice as much!

Clean out the winter debris

After your base is level, you’ll want to clean out all the debris that has collected on your unit during the winter. If it’s necessary, you can use a water hose to spray off the dirt and other debris—just make sure you disconnect the power first. Next, check for any plants or grasses that have grown over the unit. You don’t want anything obstructing the airflow or disrupting the machine.

Change out your filters

If you’ve been following our blog, you know that changing out your filter is on the spring maintenance checklist. If you haven’t been following, let’s get that filter changed! This is probably the single most important step in getting your air conditioner ready for the summer. Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to change out, and you can find most replacement filters anywhere from the hardware to the grocery store.

Even if you have a window unit with a permanent filter, take this opportunity to clean it. Shake out any debris it may have collected and gently clean it with vinegar and water. Make sure it is fully dry before you put it back into the air conditioner.

Turn it on

It may be a little early for you to officially start air conditioning your home, but you should go ahead and test it now. Turn it on, and then go outside. You’ll want to listen to the unit and make sure the fan is running and doesn’t sound irregular. Since the air conditioner is removing warm air from your home, the air coming out of the top of your unit should feel warm. Let it run for about 10-15 minutes to make sure it is working properly. Check your vents inside to make sure they are unobstructed and that cold air is coming out.

Summer is lovely, but the last thing you want to do is turn the air conditioner on and have nothing happen. Getting your air conditioner ready for summer will help you be prepared.

If you’re looking for other ways to save money this summer, make sure to check out these eight tips.