Why Net Zero Homes are Gaining Popularity

As everyone is joining the effort to incorporate more environmentally friendly and sustainable practices into their lives, it makes sense that those efforts would extend to home building as well. One aspect of green living that’s gaining more and more popularity is net zero homes.

What are “net zero” homes?


Net zero homes are the ultimate in energy efficiency. In fact, if energy conservation is a concern for you, this trend is one you won’t want to miss. “Net zero” means that a home produces as much renewable energy as it consumes in a year, leaving its homeowners with a net zero energy bill.

How does it work?

Net zero homes are built for efficiency. These homes are regular grid-tied homes that are well insulted and air-tight. Net zero homes combine advanced design and superior building systems with on-site solar panels and energy efficiency to create an environment that is comfortable, healthy and quiet — everything you need to feel peaceful in your home. 

What are the benefits of net zero homes?


You might be thinking that you live too far from the equator to have a net zero home, but builders have achieved net zero homes everywhere from Florida to Alaska. And size is also not a factor, as considerations can be made for different size requirements.


If you’re concerned about keeping allergens and toxins out of your home, building a net zero home might be a good solution for you. Net zero homes are specifically built to preserve air quality and maintain a healthy environment, keeping you and your family safe, no matter what happens to the air quality outside. By using best-of-the-line in heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, net zero homes not only preserve air quality, they stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter without using huge amounts of energy — or noise — to do so.


Net zero homes are some of the most durable available. Their walls are thick and air-tight, they incorporate the best window technology and filter the air so well that it’s perfectly safe. From the ground up, net zero homes are built to last.


Building a net zero home will not be a cheap endeavor, but incorporating green practices is becoming more and more affordable as technology advances. And building a net zero home will save big in the coming years in energy bills. Imagine being immune from fluctuating energy costs and how much money you could save from building a net zero home.

Not quite ready to build a net zero home? Check out some ways your home can be more energy efficient in the meantime.